Monday, April 2, 2012

Poem Two - Roses

He came in from the grocery store,
Plastic bulging from both hands.
I almost didn’t see the cellophane
But I heard it and turned around.
Wiping my hands on a kitchen towel,
I turned to see what the noise was.
He was standing there looking shy,
With a bouquet of exquisite roses.
One look at his face, and
I didn’t say,
“Those are too expensive!”
I didn’t say,
“But you know I like carnations better!”
I reached for a vase.
The roses
Were perfect in it.
After forty years, he knew
They would be.


DJ said...

Okay, this one has me in tears, already!
Love your poetry; so glad you're doing NaPoWriMo!!!
Keep Going, Friend: You're quite beautiful.

Becca Allison said...

Thank you, DJ!Just found your comment. I've done the poems - now comes the editing!
thanks for reading it!